Smith chart theory pdf
Smith chart theory pdf

smith chart theory pdf smith chart theory pdf

We show here the unique visualization capability of a 3D Smith chart, which allows to quantify orientation over variable frequency. The novel foundation of a 3D Smith chart involves here the geometrical fundamental notions of oriented curvature and variable homothety in order to clarify first theoretical inconsistencies in Foster and Non Foster circuits, where the driving point impedances exhibit mixed clockwise and counter-clockwise frequency dependent (oriented) paths on the Smith chart as frequency increases. In this work, we develop and use 3D Smith charts for devices and circuits having complex frequency dependences, like the ones resulting using MIT materials. Employing radiofrequency (RF) electronic circuits with a MIT material like vanadium Dioxide, VO 2, requires appropriate characterization tools and fabrication processes. Recently, the field of Metal-Insulator-Transition (MIT) materials has emerged as an unconventional solution for novel energy efficient electronic functions, such as steep slope subthermionic switches, neuromorphic hardware, reconfigurable radiofrequency functions, new types of sensors, terahertz and optoelectronic devices.

Smith chart theory pdf